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UZH for Staff

Recording Working Hours

Administrative and technical staff must document their working time and absences and keep a record of them in the employee time sheet. This must be checked and signed off by their line manager on a monthly basis. You will find the employee time sheet and the instructions for recording working hours below.

Employee Time Sheet 2025 (XLSX, 714 KB)

Instructions Employee Time Sheet 2025 (PDF, 420 KB)


Fact Sheet on Working at Night, on Saturdays and on Sundays/On-Call Duty (PDF, 94 KB)

Time Converter (XLSX, 57 KB) (from hour format to decimal format or vice versa)


Non-professorial academic staff don’t have to keep a record of their working hours, but they have the right to do so. They will only be entitled to claim unused vacation or compensation for a positive working hours balance if they keep a record of their working hours and this is checked and signed off by their line manager.

Weiterführende Informationen


If you cannot find an answer to your question here, please contact the responsible HR representative in your organizational unit or the Competence Center responsible for you in the Human Resources Department.
