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UZH for Staff

Military Service / Civil Protection Duty

Anyone who does service in the Swiss Army, in civil protection, Red Cross service or alternative civilian public service is entitled to loss-of-earnings compensation (EO). Employees taking a Swiss federal or a cantonal management training course from Jugend + Sport or a junior marksman leadership course are also eligible.

The EO card will be provided at the place where the employee is carrying out the service and must be forwarded to the Human Resources Department by the employee’s HR representative without delay.

If UZH continues to make salary payments during the service, the compensation will go to the employer, provided that it does not exceed the salary payments. If no salary is paid during the period of service, the compensation will go to the person carrying out the service.

EO-Compensation_Factsheet (PDF, 76 KB)

Weiterführende Informationen


If you cannot find an answer to your question here, please contact the responsible HR representative in your organizational unit or the Competence Center responsible for you in the Human Resources Department.
