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UZH for Staff

Team Development

Opportunities for managers, leaders and their staff

Is your team not progressing as you would like? Could working relationships and personal tone be improved? Do you sense conflict brewing? HR Development, which is part of Human Resources, helps to get to the bottom of things and find ways of improving the situation. Guiding questions are asked to analyze the background before individual suggestions are made. Higher levels of management always share responsibility here, because team development is a long-term undertaking that must be pursued in the everyday working environment. The HR Business Partner responsible for the team is often invited to participate in the initial session so that any HR management-related aspects can be considered.


Many different formats are offered, ranging from consulting as the manager/leader’s sparring partner, to observation and feedback at the workplace, to customized workshops including preparation and follow-up. Depending on the case in question, experienced external coaches or workshop leaders may be brought in to provide complex team support. The costs for this are borne by organizational unit requesting the support.


By arrangement, often over longer periods (several months).


It is decided on a case-by-case basis whether team support/development will be provided free of charge by an internal specialist from HR Development, or whether specific reasons justify bringing in an external expert (coach or workshop leader, etc.). HR Development does not assume any of the costs of team development provided externally.

Weiterführende Informationen

Contact for Academic Staff

Contact for Administrative and Technical Staff

HR Development team

(from left to right) Thomas Meyer, Ephraim Appius, Barbara Dolanc
