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UZH for Staff

Conflict! What to do?

Tensions and conflict are an inevitable part of working life. Handling them professionally is key.

Conflict management at UZH

To manage conflict effectively, the following steps are recommended:
1.    Conflict parties should seek direct dialogue
2.    Efforts should be made to clarify the issue at the responsible level of the organizational unit
3.    Professionals should be involved and/or support services consulted
4.    The matter should be escalated to the next level as per the escalation paths described below


Phases of conflict resolution

Graphic: Phases of conflict resolution

Advice and Support Services

Anyone involved in a conflict can access the advice and support services below at any time on an informal and confidential basis. Conflict escalation can often be avoided if professional advice and support is sought in time.

Advice and Support Services at UZH Contact

HR business partners in the HR Department  

HR Business Partner in the HR Department
Professorships Department   Professorships Department

HR development experts in the HR Department

HR Development / offerings
Coaching and consultation for professors from the UZH Leadership and Governance Academy UZH Leadership und Governance Academy / Coaching and Consultation for Professors

Office for Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion   

Office for Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Committee for the Protection against Sexual Harassment (RSB)   

Protection against sexual harassment
Employee Assistance Office (MBS)     Employee Assistance Office
Psychological counseling services for students and PhD candidates at UZH and ETH (PBS)  Psychological Counseling Services
Occupational health management     Safety, Security & Environment Department/Medicine and Health
Ombudspersons in cases of suspected scientific misconduct     Research integrity

Conflict escalation paths

If a conflict cannot be resolved, it is important to consult advisory and support services and to stick to the specified escalation levels.  Regardless of this, however, in some cases, e.g. allegations of sexual harassment or breaches of scientific integrity (e.g. plagiarism), the official channels provided for this purpose must be used.  The escalation levels should be followed in the order shown up to the level at which the conflict is resolved.

Conflict between professors, conflict between head of department and professor

Graphic: Conflict escalation path in a conflict between professors, conflict between head of department and professor

Conflict between professor/line manager, and member of staff/employed PhD candidate

Graphic: Conflict escalation path in a conflict between professor/line manager, and member of staff/employed PhD candidate

Conflict with academic staff (incl. junior academic positions and teaching staff)

Graphic: Conflict escalation path in a conflict with academic staff (incl. junior academic positions and teaching staff)

Conflict with administrative and technical staff

Graphic: Conflict escalation path in a conflict with administrative and technical staff

Continuing education programs

Course: Conflict management in the work environment at UZH  (German only)

Canton of Zurich
Course program under Konfliktmanagement  (German only)

Business Tools AG
(Non-profit organization under the joint sponsorship of ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich and Zurich University of Applied Sciences)
Course program: Alle Kurse under Konfliktmanagement (German only)




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If you cannot find an answer to your question here, please contact the HR Business Partner responsible for you in the Human Resources Department.