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UZH for Staff Virtual Info Market

Protection Against Sexual Harassment

Profile The University of Zurich has a set of regulations to ensure protection against sexual harassment (“Reglement zum Schutz vor sexueller Belästigung (RSB)”), which are based on the assumption that all staff members and students treat each other with respect. The RSB Committee serves as a contact point on the topic of “Protection against sexual harassment at the UZH” and contributes with its counselling services to a good working, teaching and research atmosphere – free of sexual harassment and sexist behaviour.

Have you experienced a situation at the UZH that left the impression that sexual harassment or gender discrimination has occurred? Are you a manager or director at the UZH and would like to know how you can take preventive action against sexual harassment in your work environment? 

The contact persons and the investigating person of the RSB Committee are there for you.

Team The RSB Committee consists of various contact person, a manager, a specialised advisor and the investigating person as well as the representative investigating person.
Contact persons:
  • Lic. phil. Martin Akeret, Head of UZH Archiv
  • PD Dr. Peter Collmer, Head of  Student Affairs and Advisory Services
  • Jörg Frank, Head of Safety, Security and Environment
  • Dr. Karin Gilland Lutz, M.P.A., Head of Office for Gender Equality and Diversity
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Caroline Ospelt 
  • Dr. Rita Stöckli, General Secretary of the UZH

Manager of the RSB Committee:

  • MLaw Sophia Waigel

Investigating person:

  • Prof. Dr. iur. utr. Brigitte Tag
Representative investigating person:
  • RA lic. iur. Markus Golder, Head of Data Protection Department 
Website Protection Against Sexual Harassment