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UZH for Staff

Sending Mail and Parcels

Letters and parcels up to 30 kg are sent between different UZH addresses by the internal mail service of the Logistics Department. Other UZH addresses are served by Post CH AG.

When delivering letters in boxes to UNIPOST, we expect the following requirements;

  • Letters sorted in the same direction
  • Sorting; internal UZH, domestic (CH&LI), international (Europe, other countries) separated
  • Sorting; A-Post / B-Post / registered mail - only incl. UZH dispatch form
  • Sender UZH must be visible


internal mail
Please put your outgoing mail in the designated mailboxes or use one of the in-house postal mail desks.

Addresses served by internal mail:

List internal Mail (PDF, 134 KB)

Other UZH sites, that are not covered by internal mail

The sender must put stamps on outgoing mail and pass it to Post CH AG. You can order the required stamps from us.


These stamps are not to be used for personal mail!

International shipping

Mandatory information for business customers, valid for all shipping methods, Post CH AG and all couriers.

  • Create shipping documents incl. proforma invoice / commercial invoice online – place the complete and signed documents in resealable pouch an stick it on the parcel
  • Sender: contact details (name, telephone number, email address), institute/dept.
  • Consignee: contact details (name, telephone number, email address), EORI# (EU) or tax number, except for private addresses
  • Customs tariff number of the goods, information can be found in Tares.CH
  • Incoterm: 10DDP = shipper pays all costs (transport incl. customs clearance and taxes)
    DAP = shipper pays the transport cost - recipient pays customs clearance incl. taxes
    For the dispatch of "standard commercial goods incl. repairs", send preferably DAP
  • Exception: France only accepts Incoterm 30DDP (VAT unpaid) = recipient is responsible to pay the VAT
  • dangerous goods and dry ice must be shipped in accordance with IATA – shipments with shipper's declaration can only be sent as a registered shipper
  • shipping with courier services will be charged to the institute - UZH has special prices according to the contract with KoBe ETH+ - when opening a new account, make sure that the special conditions apply
  • UZH tax number (UID no.)UZH Finance
  • Templates for Pro Forma Invoice and Commercial Invoice
    to the Template for Pro Forma Invoice (PDF, 269 KB)
    to the Template for Commercial Invoice (PDF, 51 KB)
Post CH AG


up to 2kg CN 22 or CN 23, depending on the value of the goods

from 2kg and more - waybill (on invoice)

waybill (cash payment) created via the Post Login for private customers cannot be taken into account.

When sending goods via Post CH Ltd, the recipient must always pay the customs clearance charges (fix amount varies by country), customs duties (% rate per item varies by country) and VAT (% rate varies by country). If you would like to avoid this (e.g. gift), choose the courier option.

Document pouches can be collected free of charge from UZH post offices or send an Email to

Please contact Customer Support Logistics for any questions or assistance.

Login Post CH AG

Only use the UZH Post CH AG user account created by UZH Customer Support Logistics

Form to request a Post Login (in german)

GLS (Europe only)


Access to GLS is granted via the Post Login.

Select "Full entry”

Food products (e.g. chocolate, etc.) are excluded from shipping with GLS.

In accordance with the new customs regulations, GLS requires a written authorization from the importer (consignee) for customs clearance. If the authorisation form is not received within 5 days, the shipment will be returned to the sender. The authorisation has nothing to do with the payment of the customs invoice.

Document pouches can be collected free of charge from UZH post offices or send an Email to

Please contact Customer Support Logistics for any questions or assistance.

Form to request a GLS Login (in german)

Use shipping documents for GLS parcels

to GLS (only Europa)

to Price List GLS (PDF, 82 KB)



TNT is now FedEx


Only one customer number and login will be issued per institute/department.

Transport costs for domestic and export shipments (excluding customs clearance) will be covered by the Logistics Department. Transport costs for import shipments and all customs clearance costs will continue to be covered by the institution/department.

It is not necessary to book a pick-up if the item is handed in at the Irchel goods receiving center, at one of our UZH post offices or at the UZH exit post box at your location.

FedEx shipping material can be collected free of charge from UZH post offices or send an Email to .

Please contact Customer Support Logistics for any questions or assistance.


Contact UZH Customer Support Logistics for your FedEx account and login

to FedEx 

FedEx rates (PDF, 485 KB)
Demand surcharches
FedEx Fuel surcharges


Request your account number and login directly from DHL.

Contact: Orhan Mustafi, 044 529 18 43,

Book a collection with DHL.

Using your customer number, you can order DHL shipping materials free of charge from DHL.

Please contact DHL directly for any questions or assistance.

to DHL

DHL rates (PDF, 1 MB)


Request your account number and login directly from UPS.

Contact: Michaela Kaiser, 044 200 41 00,

Book a collection with UPS.

Using your customer number, you can order UPS shipping materials free of charge from UPS.

Please contact UPS directly for any questions or assistance.

to UPS

Customer Support Logistics will answer your questions and help you prepare your shipment.

Weiterführende Informationen

Shipping Dangerous Goods

EU requirements for shipping documents

Applies to all carriers and Post CH AG