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UZH for Staff


Office Furniture

All workspaces for employees of the departments/institutes and administrative units are fitted out with ergonomic furniture from UZH’s standard office furnishings. Should your needs change, you can obtain new office furniture or return what you no longer need.

Delivery of new furniture may take up to six - twelve weeks. 

Lab Furniture

All lab workspaces for employees are fitted out with ergonomic furniture from UZH's standard lab furnishings. Should your needs change, you can obtain new lab furniture or return what you no longer need. 

Lab furniture

Application form for lab furniture (in German) (PDF, 637 KB)

Return form for lab furniture (in German) (PDF, 1 MB)

Lab furniture relocation (in german) (PDF, 744 KB)

Repairs and maintenance of lab furniture (in german) (PDF, 706 KB)

Clearance declaration and description of state (in German)

Nathalie Herter



Weiterführende Informationen

Office Furniture Catalogue

Repairs and Maintenance for Office Furniture

Furniture second hand sale

The UZH operates a furniture second-hand site for disused UZH office furniture.