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Department of Computational Linguistics

Information about teaching and assessments

Types of Courses

Lectures + Exercises
Lectures are the most important class types in this course.
All lectures are supported by the learning management system OLAT. Here, all relevant lecture materials will be made available and course discussion forums are maintained.
Most courses also include exercises. These generally assess skills and understanding of the material covered in lectures.


The aim of a seminar is to teach and practice the independent working out of a scientific problem, writing a corresponding paper, orally presenting the results, "defending" these results in the discussion and the evaluating presentations by other seminar participants. Therefore, it is not possible to replace a seminar by attending other types of courses, such as lectures or tutorials.
Information about the number of seminar papers required, the conditions regarding the completion of a seminar as well as instructions for the design of a seminar paper can be found here.


Bachelor's Thesis
The Bachelor's Thesis module comprises an independently written paper on a topic that is to be agreed upon with a person from the group of professors, private lecturers or staff of the Department of Computational Linguistics. Here, both theoretically oriented work and programming are possible.
The Bachelor's thesis accounts for 15 credit points and is graded. The topic of the thesis must be agreed with the supervisor before booking the module.
Please note the information and deadlines provided by the faculty! The thesis must be submitted to your supervisor by 1 December in HS or 1 June in FS at the latest. If you are unable to meet the submission deadline for your Bachelor's thesis, the module will be deemed to have been "failed" (failed attempt).
Information on the structure of the Bachelor's thesis can be found under Bachelor's Thesis Assessment.


Master's Thesis
The "state of the art" is to be reprocessed in relation to the chosen question and the formal rules of the discipline (e.g. regarding references) must be taken into account.
The Master's thesis counts for 30 credit points and is graded. The topic must be agreed with the thesis supervisor before booking the module.
Please note the information and deadlines provided by the faculty! The thesis must be submitted to your supervisor by 1 December in HS or 1 June in FS at the latest. If you are unable to meet the submission deadline for your Master's thesis, the module is deemed to have been "failed" (failed attempt).
Information on the structure of the Master's thesis can be found under Master's thesis Assessment.

A tutorial serves to teach first didactic skills. This requires a more reflective understanding of subject-specific content and requires the preparation of learning materials for repeating the contents of the lecture, as well as the design and correction of exercise sheets. This module can be booked with a score of 3 or 6. The number of points is determined in consultation with the person responsible for the module.


Practical Training In-House
In this module, the students get in touch with scientific project work, that is, they learn how to do basic research. In order to accomplish these kind of skills, they read scientific literature, prepare and annotate data, apply statistical and machine learning methods to solve particular problems. They are also involved in the preparation of articles for workshops and conferences. The students work on a particular (partial) problem in a scientic context or even running project. This module can be booked to credit work done in a scientific project at the UZH. This module can be booked with 6 or 9 ECTS points. The amount of points will be decided in consultation with the module coordinator.


Practical Training Off-Site
The students gain experience in the application of computational linguistics. They get in touch with the structures and procedures of companies and are involved into the realisation of software in order to solve particular problems of these companies. The students apply what they have learned and adapt it to the needs of a specific commercial sector. Practical Trainings Off-Site are usually stays at companies or public organizations that are involved with Natural Language Processing. The training has to have a relation to Natural Language Processing and they have to be organized autonomously. This module can be booked with 3 or 6 ECTS points. The amount of points will be decided in consultation with the module coordinator.


Programming Projects
Programming projects aim at the consolidation of programming and the acquisition of software engineering skills. Starting with a particular research question and relevant literature, they work on a solution, define milesstones, aquire and/or annotate data, implent a programm and evaluate it using appropriate data. This module can be booked to credit work done in programming project. This module can be booked with 3, 6 or 9 ECTS points. The amount of points will be decided in consultation with the module coordinator.
More information can be found here.


Excursions, similar to practical training off-site, offer the opportunity to gain insight into the daily work of computional linguists. In contrast to these, however, the emphasis is not on concrete work in a company, but on the ability to recognize and assess the problems and methods of a field of application of computational linguistics in direct contact as accurately as possible. This provides insights into problem areas, allows one to measure one's own specific interests and, if necessary, to fix future work areas and employers. The students prepare for the excursion by effectively researching and studying relevant literature. This module can be booked to credit the participation in excursions.


Summer Schools
Summer schools are designed to give students an in-depth insight into specific subject areas. This way, they consolidate what they have learned so far during their studies, expand their knowledge of core theories and understand new approaches in a compact way. They become aware of current trends, they exchange experiences and assessments with students from other universities, and thus get the opportunity to get to know the international level and at the same time establish relationships that can be helpful beyond their studies. This module can be booked to credit the attendance at summer schools that are related to Natural Language Processing. This module can be booked with 3 or 6 ECTS points. The amount of points will be decided in consultation with the module coordinator.

  • European Summer School in Logic Language and Information (ESSLLI)
  • North American Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (NASSLLI)
  • Linguistic Institute
  • Linguistic Summer School
  • International Summer School in Forensic Linguistic Analysis
  • ELSNET European Summer School on Language and Speech Communication
  • Summer School in Computational Linguistics and Psycholinguistics

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Student Advisory

For questions not addressed in the guidelines and study regulations, consult our FAQ. You should also visit theStudent Services of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. The general UZH Student Advisory Service is also there to help.

For unresolved CL-related questions, contact the Student Advisor for Computational Linguistics

International students

The International Scholars Center offers guidance for international students.

For details on relocating to Switzerland, see Before and After Arrival.


Access guidelines and other important documents here.

CL Mailing List

Information (important announcements, excursions, courses, vacancies for tutors, job offers) is distributed to our students via our mailing list.
