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Department of Computational Linguistics Digital Linguistics

Lena S. Bolliger

Lena S. Bolliger, M.A.

  • PhD candidate
  • Digital Linguistics
Room number
AND 2.50

I am a second-year PhD student in the Digital Linguistics group, supervised by Prof. Dr. Lena A. Jäger and Prof. Dr. Rico Sennrich. I obtained my Master's degree at UZH in Linguistics with a focus on Digital Linguistics, where I wrote my MA Thesis on predicting human attention from eye movements with neural sequence models.

I am currently working on the investigation and the enhancement of the cognitive plausibility of language models.



EMTeC: A Corpus of Eye Movements on Machine-Generated Texts,  under review
Lena S. Bolliger, Patrick Haller, Isabelle C. R. Cretton, David R. Reich, Tannon Kew,  Lena A. Jäger
[ arXiv preprint |data|bib]

On language models’ cognitive biases in reading time prediction, ICML workshop on Large Language Models and Cognition 2024
Patrick Haller, Lena S. Bolliger, and Lena A. Jäger

Language models emulate certain cognitive profiles: An investigation of how predictability measures interact with individual differences, ACL 2024
Patrick Haller, Lena S. Bolliger, and Lena A. Jäger
[http |pdf | bib]

An eye opener regarding task-based text gradient saliency, ACL/CMCL 2024
Guojun Wu, Lena S. Bolliger, David R. Reich, and Lena A. Jäger
[ http |bib]

ScanDL: A Diffusion Model for Generating Synthetic Scanpaths on Texts,  EMNLP 2023
Lena S. Bolliger, David R. Reich, Patrick Haller, Deborah N. Jakobi, Paul Prasse, Lena A. Jäger
[ http|Video|Poster|bib]


Introducing ScanDL: A diffusion-based generative model of eye movements in reading,  MathPsych/ICCM 2024 (Society for Mathematical Psychology and International Conference on Cognitive Modeling)
Lena S. Bolliger, David R. Reich, Patrick Haller, Deborah N. Jakobi, Paul Prasse, Lena A. Jäger


Semester Course
HS 2024 Lecturer in Mathematics for Computational Linguistics 2
HS 2024 Lecturer in Cognitively Enhanced NLP

HS 2023

Lecturer in Cognitively Enhanced NLP
HS 2022 TA in Quantitative Methods
FS 2022 TA in Eye tracking: Experiment design and machine learning methods
HS 2021

TA in Quantitative Methods