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Institut für Computerlinguistik Texttechnologie

What is the internet? (individual components)

Eigeschaften dieses SETs:

  • Standardform: Frage - Benutzerantwort - Kommentar

SET hier testen:

Probieren Sie z.B. folgende Antworten aus:

  • "The Internet is a hypertext-based network that enables the following: exchange of e-mail messages and ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) and telephony (VoIP). (END OF SENTENCE)"
  • "The Internet is a connection of computers to the following service(s): ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) and cable TV. (END OF SENTENCE)"
  • "The Internet is a network that enables the following: exchange of e-mail messages and newsgroups (Usenet) and exchange of files and chat (IRC) and remote login (telnet) and teletext and ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) and cable TV and telephony (VoIP) and distribution of World Wide Web pages and file sharing (such as BitTorrent). (END OF SENTENCE)" (i.e. everything was chosen)

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