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Institut für Computerlinguistik Phonetik

Second language learning and the teaching of pronunciation in Swiss high schools

Responsible: Stephan Schmid

Project description

In second language learning at school, the teaching of pronunciation is often neglected. In a number of case studies, several segmental aspects (in particular obstruent voicing and VOT in plosives) have been investigated in different L1-L2 pairs, e.g., L2 French and Italian of Swiss German  learners or L2 German of Italophone learners. Moreover, the efficiency of explicit pronunciation training is evaluated.


  1. Schmid, S. & Pedrazzini, G. (2018). Zur Wirksamkeit von explizitem Aussprachetraining im Fremdsprachenunterricht: eine empirische Studie zu deutschen Plosiven bei italienischsprachigen Lernenden. Proceedings Phonetik& Phonologie 13: 177-180. more
  2. Schmid, S. (2016). Wie Deutschschweizer Lernende die stimmhaften Obstruenten des Italienischen aus­sprechen. In: Christoph Draxler & Felicitas Kleber (eds.), Tagungsband der 12. Tagung Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum. München, Ludwig-Maximiliums-Universität: 105-116. more
  3. Schmid, S. & Pedrazzini, G. (2016). La pronuncia delle occlusive nel tedesco L2 di apprendenti italofoni: un esperimento didattico. In: Renata Savy & Iolanda Alfano (a cura di), La fonetica nell’apprendimento delle lingue/Phonetics and language learning (Studi AISV 2). Milano, Officinaventuno: 45-60. more
  4. Schmid, S. & Wachter, S. (2015). Le ostruenti sonore nella pronuncia dell’italiano di apprendenti svizzero-tedeschi. In: Mario Vayra, Cinzia Avesani & Fabio Tamburini (a cura di).  Il farsi e disfarsi del linguaggio. Acquisizione, mutamento e destrutturazione della struttura sonora del linguaggio/ Language acquisition and language loss. Acquisition, change and disorders of the language sound structure (Studi AISV 1). Milano, Officinaventuno: 203-217. more
  5. Schmid, S. (2012). The pronunciation of voiced obstruents in L2 French: a preliminary study of Swiss German learners. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 48.4: 627-659. more
  6. Schmid, S. (2009). La prononciation du français par des élèves d’un lycée zurichois. In: Hans-Rudolf Nüesch (éd.), Galloromanica et Romanica. Mélanges de linguistique offerts à Jakob Wüest. Tübingen, Francke: 253-268. more