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Institut für Computerlinguistik

Teaching Project: Learning Goals

Idea and initial proposal

Learning goals are crucial for higher education teaching, since they correlate highly with successful learning. My idea is to conduct a small survey about the courses offered at my department, and investigate how learning goals are designed, communicated and perceived.

Project Proposal (PDF, 108 KB)


The survey data is confidential, but you can have a look at the questions for lecturers and students:

Survey form lecturers | survey form students


The main findings of my survey are that there is a considerable mismatch between learning goals as intended by lecturers, and as perceived by students. Some lecturers are not effective at designing and/or designing learning goals.

Elevator Pitch Video | Poster (PDF, 2 MB)| Project Report (PDF, 4 MB)

Youtube Playlist Learning Goals

After conducting my survey, I made a series of short videos about learning goals. My intention was to summarize in a very condensed way key information about learning goals.

  Topic                                                                Youtube Link        

Learning goals in teaching research



Design Principles



Communicate learning goals effectively



