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Institut für Computerlinguistik

Sandra Schwab

Sandra Schwab, PD. Dr.

  • Senior Researcher
Senior researcher

Andreasstrasse 15

CH-8050 Zurich

Office: AND 2.36

Tel.: +41(0)44 634 59 48

Sandra.Schwab AT

Senior researcher and lecturer

Université de Fribourg

Département de français

Beauregard 11-13

CH-1700 Fribourg

Sandra.Schwab AT


Research interests

Experimental psycholinguistics

  • Lexical stress perception in L2
  • Perception and production of temporal variables
  • Word segmentation

Prosody in L1 and L2

  • Prosody acquisition in L2
  • Regional variation
  • Limonese creole (Costa Rica)

Computational linguistics

  • Automatic alignment
  • Syntactic parser and automatic translation (Spanish)
  • Speech synthesis
  • Software for speech perception experiments


In 2017, I received a Habilitation in Linguistics and Phonetics from the University of Zurich. I have a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Geneva (with Prof. Eric Wehrli and Prof. Uli Frauenfelder), in which I examined several aspects related to temporal variables in speech production and perception, in L1 and L2, and in natural and in synthetic speech. The thesis is available here. Within the framework of my PhD, I spent a year at the Speech Perception Laboratory (Northeastern University, Boston) thank to a SNF grant for Jeune Chercheur, working with Prof. Joanne Miller on the impact of speech rate on word segmentation. After having a Licence ès Lettres (Linguistics, Spanish, German) from the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland), I received a Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies in Computational Linguistics from University of Geneva.

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A multilingual web platform to design and run speech perception experiments
