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Institut für Computerlinguistik

New publications from members of the Digital Linguistics group

David Reich from the Digital Linguistics group presented two papers at the 2022 ACM Symposium of Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA).

The first paper is on the prediction of general reading comprehension skills, text comprehension, text difficulty and native language from eye movements in reading, the second one on on fairness of eye-tracking based biometric systems. A short video on the latter can be found here.

Inferring Native and Non-Native Human Reading Comprehension and Subjective Text Difficulty from Scanpaths in ReadingETRA 2022
David R. Reich, Paul Prasse, Chiara Tschirner, Patrick Haller, Frank Goldhammer, and Lena A. Jäger
[http | video bib]

Fairness in Oculomotoric Biometric IdentificationETRA 2022
Paul Prasse, David R. Reich, Silvia Makowski, Lena A. Jäger, and Tobias Scheffer
[http | video | bib]
